
Touching Body's Wisdom

Pascale O'Kane

Shiatsu image

Shiatsu is a traditional body/mind therapy developed in Japan. Through touch, using pressure, holding, rotations, stretches… Shiatsu meets and supports the body’s wisdom and resources for wellness.

Shiatsu is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, working with points and meridians similarly used in Acupuncture. Zen Shiatsu extends that heritage, combining the eastern elemental approach of our human nature with western physiology and psychology yet all the while and most importantly asking the practitioner to draw in the intuitive wisdom of Zen, keeping the encounter and experience in the now, open to its depth of mystery, possibilities and change.

Receiving Shiatsu is a powerful experience. It can be deeply relaxing and nourishing, as also very positively challenging. 

Shiatsu will support you in times of wellness and lay the grounds for healing in times of stress and illness, relieving tension, improving vitality, strengthening the body. 

It will help with a wide range of physical pains and conditions (such as Arthritis, bad back, recovery from injury, stress and tension, digestive problems…), and be very effective with emotional pain, anxiety, depression, times of crisis and trauma, grief or anger.. It offers great support to women hormonal cycles,  the journey through conception, pregnancy, birthing and postnatal care.

Shiatsu reaches deep into the depth of our being. It touches hidden places, witnesses and honours the unmet needs of body and psyche, thus inviting us back to wholeness. 

In Shiatsu, guided through touch and Body Centred Dialogue, we learn to listen to the language of pain and discomfort. Perceiving what is offered as potential gateways to real transformation, deeper knowing and seeds of meaningful direction to our life.

Finally Shiatsu is the beauty and warmth of simple human touch. We let ourselves be touched. We let someone deeply touch our life, exploring the reality of that experience too.

A Shiatsu session takes place on a comfortable futon and will generally last up to an hour. You remain fully clothed as it is performed through loose clothing. 

My interest has always lain with the mystery & magic of life itself at work around and within us.
I studied & taught Philosophy as one does in the West, reasoning. I also explored a different key to wisdom in the teachings and practice of Yoga, a search for the light of Spirit.
Yet it is only with the rich poetic of eastern traditions, Taoism, TCM and the experience of receiving Shiatsu that I finally came home to the landscape & language of the Soul.

Away from our need to understand or judge, our desire to transcend, Shiatsu invites us to be fully alive to the now, however shadowy, to integrate light & darkness, inviting awareness, wholeness, compassion, empowering our choices.

Since graduating with the Bristol School of Shiatsu in 2013, I have worked as a practitioner with the Voluntary Sector and from my home clinic in Gower, all the while deepening my postgraduate training, exploring tools such as "Transformational Dialogue" and the Extraordinary Vessels.

I strive to meet you in a shared space with true listening presence and the gift of a witnessing touch, so as the wisdom of your body reignites and pulses you might also remember who you are, reclaim the sovereignty of your heart and wear proudly all colours and shades of your psyche.

I am a qualified yoga teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga & a registered member of the Shiatsu Society UK.

My journey image

Body Centred Dialogue


Receiving regular shiatsu sessions will bring about the most benefits as you grow into awareness & resolve issues over time. I would usually suggest a minimum of 3 sessions. Most people begin with weekly appointments, before maybe coming fortnightly or monthly. One of my mentor once said something very useful: "SEE IT AS INVESTING IN YOURSELF!"

Shiatsu session

  • 1 hour to 1 hour 15 min

Shiatsu Home visits

  • 1 hour to 1 hour 15 min

Block of 6 sessions

  • home visits £240
After our collective confinement experience this year, isolation from each other due to threat of the Corona Virus, a real question is left in all our hearts: How, if ever, are we going to find a way to meet and come close safely to each other again?
Especially in the field of alternative therapy where human warmth & contact are paramount.
Can we find the same quality of connection and support to clients without our bodywork?

As we move out of the restrictions in force at the moment, this is a question which to some degree will have to be answered individually by each practitioners and clients according to their need to feel safe.
Whether online or in the treatment room, a listening space can still be created and found for our needs to be unearthed and met. Tools such as Body Centred Dialogue and movement are still tremendously effective in themselves regardless of whether one chooses to receive body work or not.
This can be discussed and explored together.
As members of the Shiatsu Society we are also supported and informed regularly on how to work safely within the changing guidelines issues by the government.
Social distancing image
  • Swn Y Don, Philips' field, Sandylane, Parkmill, Swansea, SA3 2EP
  • SA3 2EP